Saturday, May 12, 2012

Constructing a Successful Team

Team Building Activities

The causes of team failure are numerous, as are the reasons for a drop in productiveness and responsibility. A team's communication and relationship skills have a large effect on a team's success. Many times the issues just need to be confronted in a meeting. These are some of the most common issues that can keep a team from success:

Personal conflicts can arise between members. If need be suggest that any conflicts that are otherwise unsolved be brought to the team leader.

Interrupting can become a challenging issue during meetings. Many times the team as a whole can come up with a solution. When the issue has been addressed, all members should adhere to the solution.

Often times there are individuals who keep bringing up the same subject. If this becomes a problem, tactfully ask if the rest of the group feels this needs to be further discussed at this time. If they do not, then schedule a meeting where this subject can be addressed privately.

The sharing of job knowledge, skills and ideas is crucial to the success of any team. encourage your team to share all ideas with each other, along with helping each other develop their knowledge and skill sets. No matter how many team exercises you participate in, your team cannot become productive without the implementation of this policy.

When a team member is constantly late with assignments, it can affect the entire team. Make sure you have a written tardiness policy in place, and hold each member accountable. This will help keep morale up, and keep the group on track.

Have a written confidentiality agreement in place, thus keeping the leaking of confidential information to a minimum. If, on the off chance a member does choose to leak such information, reprimand them appropriately.

During every meeting write down everything that is discussed, give all members a copy. Your team will be more apt to change behaviors when they are involved in the solutions. Always hold your team accountable for their actions, and reward them when a project is finished.

As a leader, your team expects to see you as a person of action. To become a successful team leader you have to be very conscious of what you say, and more importantly do. Make sure that you are tactful and diplomatic in everything you do. Remember you are a role model, and people are going to be paying attention to your behavior.

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