Sunday, May 13, 2012

Easy Team Building Activities for Adults

Team Building Activities

Adults can be hard to keep busy if you do not supply the right entertainment. That is why team building companies all over the world are coming up with new and creative ways to train employees. The reason that team building has exploded in the last few years is because the need is great. People are having more and more issues in the workplace, which can lead to poor work habits and a lack of determination. Large companies and small businesses alike are able to combat these issues by instilling a sense of pride and ownership in staff members. Team building is not something that needs to cost a lot of money or take days to prepare for; easy team building activities for adults are readily available.

Easy team building activities for adults are simple games and activities that will bond a group of any size. These range from simple outdoor activities to "name game" quizzes. Each one of these activities below are easy to do, and will help your team bond.

Team building activities

ANIMAL/BARNYARD SOUNDS: Each team member will get a piece of paper with an animal sound on it, they will be told to make this sound. No one can see the paper that the others have, which makes it fun to guess the animal sound. This is a fast way to break the ice in a new group of people.

SENTENCE COMPLETION: Each team member will start off saying a phrase such as "I love to eat.." and the other team members will finish it. This is a fun way to open up the team building. These should be fun phrases and easy to end.

WALLET/PURSE INTRODUCTIONS: Each team member will go into their wallet or purse and find one item. This item will be set in front of the group. The owner of the item will explain why they had it and what it means to them.

TOSS A NAME: This will help your team remember names. With a ball one team member will toss it saying after getting it and say "thanks..." and "here..." This requires the person with the ball to say and remember at least two names. This can go on until everyone knows the name of everyone.

HUMAN KNOT: Standing beside and shoulder to shoulder with team members, they must try and sit. This is done when the shoulders are touching and arms are linked. Making it hard to sit. Once they can do it in groups of 2, start to move on to groups of 4 and then 8, it will be harder each time the number grows. This will bond the group and help them have fun with one another.

All of the activities to build teams are very easy to do, and very easy to set up. Most require no set-up or planning. Building a team was meant to be something that helps a team bond and unite, rather than be a costly operation. Building a team will help your workplace become everything it can be.

To get more out of your team building check out my Team Building Activities website. It has tons of great content to ensure you're successful building great teams.

You can even find articles on awesome Team Building Exercises.

Just click either of the above links to take your team building to the next level.
