Friday, June 8, 2012

Teamwork Characteristic 1: Contribute Competently

Team Building Activities

Teams are powerful tools. But, because teams consist of individual players, the team's success relies on the work that's collectively generated by the individuals. So, if each team player has strong abilities individually, it's very likely that the team as a whole will have hoards of potential as well. The reverse is also true - if individuals scramble, the team probably struggles.

So, it really comes down to the characteristics of each team member. Are you bringing your best to your team? Do you even know what it takes to be a successful team player? Well, let's start by addressing one of the six common characteristics among successful team members: COMPETENCE.

If you were going to hire a chef to cook a meal that would be served to twenty of your closest friends, would you care more about her smile or her culinary skills? I am going to guess you'd prioritize the latter. Now, if you were going to hire an event planner to coordinate a party for you and your friends, would you pay attention to her smile, her organizational abilities, or her taste in venue, food and decor? I am going to assume that all three qualities would be of importance to you.

We know that depending on your need, you will prioritize different skills. For this reason, you are likely to look for a combination of abilities when different areas of expertise are needed.

In life and most business situations, a combination of competencies is needed in order to be competitive, diverse, flexible and successful. If the team is just a collection of the same old person with the same cookie-cutter capabilities, well, what's the point of making it a team when the work would be the same if done by one?

If you're hoping to contribute to a team's success, it's essential that you develop or possess a competence that's needed and advantageous for the team. And with any skill that becomes your niche, be sure to balance it with skills that every successful team member needs: interpersonal skills, problem-solving skills and decision-making skills.

Struggling to find your place as a team player? Start by asking a few thought-provoking questions:

What do others tell me I'm good at?What do I enjoy doing?What additional training or reading could I do to further develop this skill?In what ways could my team benefit if I brought this competence to the table?What team project is in need of this skill the most?

Remember, you are competent because you are capable, now just do some work to determine where your competency lies, so that you can reveal your capabilities.

Doug C. Watsabaugh, senior partner at WCW Partners, understands how to meet your unique performance challenges. With more than 20 years of experience, WCW Partners is a performance-improvement company that helps businesses revitalize their results and achieve record-breaking performance.

If you are looking to excel in sales, service or leadership, let Doug develop the capability in you!
